This past weekend we were able to attend a conference for at risk youth along with our team of Ukrainian volunteers. We already knew we were supposed to attend this conference as we got it sponsored in less than 24 hours. To all of you who supported financially or with prayers we are so grateful. God used you in our ministry this weekend.There is no doubt that we were meant to attend this conference and it would not have happened without our supporters. It was such a good time of fellowship with other people who are doing this same kind of work. We were able to connect with people who have the same hearts we do for these precious kids.

The couple who put on the conference, were a huge blessing to us. They have walked in our shoes and had so much wisdom and knowledge to impart to us. They sat with us and shared stories when they were first starting out which helped us to see there is hope for us. Sometimes people just knowing what you are going through brings comfort.
This conference was one of the first times we were able to spend this much time with our Ukrainian team. It was exciting to see our team bond together. We believe God has big things in store for Open Arms and we are excited to see how it is going to change and grow.
Thanks again to all of your who helped support through prayer and sponsoring!