Meet Vasya and Sasha, two guys who grew up in the orphanage. Though they have had some bumps along the way, are upstanding young men trying to make a positive change in the world. Sasha currently works for Open Arms and Vasya is always willing to help with whatever is needed. For a while now they have had it on their hearts to lead a camp, much like they would attend our Open Arms camps. We are very proud of who they have become and excited to come alongside and support them in their first camp for youth. It has already been a growing experience for all as we try to step aside and not take charge and for them to step up and be the leaders.

We definitely need your help in making this possible. We will need prayer, financial support, and sharing this with those you know so they can also be involved. Give, pray, share. Whichever one (or all 3 if you want to!) works for you. We have learned from past experience that you can never actually know the exact number of people until the day of but we  are expecting about 35 people. We are hoping to get them sponsored at $60 a person. If you would like to give, please use the link below. If you would like to be a part of our prayer team, please send us an email at And if neither of those work for you, please help spread the word by sharing our post on social media! 

We can’t wait to see what God does!