Hello friends!

I know you have many emails in your inbox today, so to cut to the chase… tomorrow is Giving Tuesday and we need your support. Last year you blew our goal out of the water and gave generously  to help us continue our ministry and support our team in Ukraine. This year our goal is $5000 and we are asking for you to help make it happen. 

The past year has been a continuing version of the covid shuffle where we readjust and change plans. One story from the year that was hard but redemptive was of Sasha’s relationship with Vitalik. Sasha was able to spend so many days with him in the hospital helping care for his physical and emotional needs before, during and after his leg amputation. Sadly, his story ended tragically, but with Open Arms support he passed while receiving care and knowing people loved him. You made this possible!

Even in the midst of Vitalik’s story, there was opportunity for further outreach. One day while visiting him, Sasha met an older woman in the pharmacy. She shared a bit of her story and struggles and he decided Open Arms would cover her pharmacy bill that day. She thanked him and he left her with a blessing and told her, “If you need anything, call me!” Then a few weeks ago Melissa answered the door to find a retired teacher from the orphanage. She told Melissa how her friend had met this guy in the hospital who helped her, and she figured out it was Sasha. She began to cry sharing how her friend needed a ride to the hospital and had no way to get there. While the car was in the shop that day, because of your donations we had the money to fix it and Sasha was able to drive her to the hospital when she needed it.

The seemingly simple presence of Melissa and Sasha doing life in Ukraine is in-and-of-itself a constant outreach. It doesn’t matter if it’s old friends, acquaintances, or strangers in the pharmacy – people trust them. After so many years of living in Ukraine whether we’re running major programs or just running to the grocery store, the money you give is there to provide help when the need arises. You make this happen!

Everything from medical needs, baby showers, education support, groceries, clothing, and keeping the car running so we can give rides and get to people… It’s all thanks to your support. Donations can be made in all the usual ways – Facebook, PayPal Giving Fund, through our website, by check in the mail or clicking this link. Whatever way you choose and whatever amount you can give to help us reach our $5000 goal, we are so grateful for you!

-Open Arms Ukraine