How YOU Can Help Us Raise $10,000!

By January 20, 2011August 1st, 2014Blog

That past Saturday, Open Arms held a fundraiser dinner in Paramount, CA. We had a great time sharing some highlights of what God did this past year and our plans for 2011. Thank you so much to all of you who came out and joined us in support of our ministry! And thanks to those of you who couldn’t come and chose to donate instead! With all of your help, we raised $2,662! Praise God!

You probably heard, that we had a generous donor commit a matching donation for our dinner up to $5,000. Because we didn’t reach that goal at the dinner, they have extended the offer to match donations till the end of the month! That means if we can raise another $2,338 by January 31st, it will be matched, added to what was given at the dinner and total $10,000! That much support will be able to fund Open Arms Ukraine in our general ministry for 4-5 months! In that time period, our ministry will include things like working on camp programing for this summer, orphanage ministry growth, graduate retreats, the release/rehabilitation of Sasha Pevniv in the end of March [!!!], and new village outreach in Mezanivka.
Please consider how you can help us reach this goal. Any amount, big or small will be doubled and get us a little closer to our goal. Donations can come through PayPal [big blue “Donate Now” button to the right –>] or by mail. Our address is PO Box 277, San Lorenzo, CA 94580. Thanks again to those of you who have already contributed to to the $2,662 we’ve already raised! Please keep us in your prayers and share this info with your friends!