Thank you for all the prayers this past week! Andre made it home today from the hospital and we are so thankful. Dusya, Sergei, and the Open Arms team felt the prayers from around the world and though Andre is still a little lethargic (no known cause was found), he is ready to make the trek back to Ivanivka with his little fam. After a week of Vala duty, the Open Arms home is ready to return to it’s regular activities as well 😉

The whole family happy to be headed home with Andre

As for Anika and Chelsea, they have made it safely to Krakow (not without a few close calls)!! No issues at customs, an awesome hostel for the time being, and the invitation paper is currently being processed in Kiev. Prayers were answered!!!!

Anika and Chelsea enjoying the view from their new “home” for the visa wait

In other recent news, we received information today that Chelsea must purchase Ukrainian medical insurance (what?!? they have this?!) before she can apply for her visa. The most difficult aspect of this application process is that no one here in Ukraine seems to know the full story – officials and missionaries alike. Continued prayers are more than appreciated in this precarious process!!