Today was a full day of final camp preparation. We purchased all the food and packed up all the supplies. We were also able to take everything to the camp this evening. This was our first time doing this and it is such a HUGE blessing for so many reasons. First, it makes our day less stressful tomorrow because now we only have to worry about getting ourselves and the kids to camp. Second, we were able to spend time together walking through the camp and praying in each room. It was an amazing time for us to be able to actively give over the entire weekend to the Lord.

     Thank you so much to everyone who has supported our grads financially to come to camp and been praying with us the last couple of weeks. Please continue to pray throughout this weekend. We will be at camp starting tomorrow afternoon and return Monday afternoon. Pray for the grads that their hearts would be open this weekend to what the Lord has in store for them. Also, that the Lord would give our team energy as some of us are fighting colds and jet lag. Finally, pray that in all that we do this weekend that God would be glorified and the kids would feel God’s love through us. Thank you again for all of your prayers. We look forward to sharing camp stories with all of you when we get back!!

Praying outside the camp today