Vasya has been working hard to provide whatever we can do for those serving in Ukraine. We know one young man from years ago in the orphanage who reached out for help purchasing some of the gear he was missing, including dog tags. Vasya recently has had dog tags made for a him and another soldier in his unit. When he delivered them, the commander of the unit saw them and also wanted one. Vasya said we would have one made for any of the guys who wanted it. This is such a small yet very important part of the gear for these men and women!

The tags come with their name, blood type and on the back is a Bible verse. We thought it would be really cool if anyone wanted to sponsor getting a dog tag made for the 12 people in need in this unit. And to not only pay for a dog tag but also to pray for them. We would send you the first name of the soldier you’re sponsoring and you could commit to pray for them. They need so much prayer for safety and all the other horrible things that come along with war! If you would like to sponsor a soldier $15 will cover the costs of one dog tag. Click the link below to donate and make sure you select “Military needs”. There’s a place to type in “What’s this for?” where you can note dog tags. If you have any trouble you can always send us an email or dm.