This has been the weirdest winter and I think it is over. This California girl is all too happy about that. Winter sometimes puts a different spin on ministry as we are for sure limited in even leaving our house sometimes. This morning we woke up to the sun shining and a pep in our step. Today at our little home church we talked about gratefulness. We had a box filled with everything from an onion to a dirty sock. We went around and each said why we were grateful for what was in the box. I am going to be honest, I never have thought about why I could be grateful for a dirty sock. But guess what? There are many reasons why. We learned that when we are grateful it makes God happy and truthfully it makes us happier. Living in the village can be so full of trials. But I think we are all learning that a grateful heart can make life so much brighter.

After our fellowship, Sasha and I decided we couldn’t let the nice weather go to waste so we went fishing. We kind of love fishing but… fishing does not love us. So no, we did not catch anything. Although, we were surrounded by such beauty that it eased the pain of coming up empty handed.

We are still working on getting that playground in here in the village, so stay tuned for the progress as the weather continues to get warmer. We have learned that nothing here happens in the timing we want, but we are hopeful by this summer we will have a playground.