The Open Arms house was very excited to have a surprise visit from Tolik the other day. Tolik has graduated from the orphanage and is now at trade school. He traveled back to the village and spent some good time talking with Sasha. Sasha was able to share with him some of his own experiences when he left the orphanage and started trade school. He gave him advice on what to stay away from and challenges he might face. He sat and told him how there will be many choices he will have to make. And many of those choices will seem very enticing, but they will have a lasting consequence. And the sad reality is there are not very many men to help and mentor the boys that are leaving the orphanage. Sasha has not only known Tolik since he was young and in the orphanage, but Sasha has also been through the system. He has also learned the hard way about how choices will affect the rest of your life. Once thing we have learned from many of the graduates, is that they wish they had someone that would have been able to help guide them and share the realities of life after the orphanage. So we were super thankful that Sasha was able to have this opportunity with Tolik, as many of the kids do not have anyone to help them until it is too late.

Please remember to keep Tolik in your prayers as he starts off on this new journey and also for his sister Vika who is still in the orphanage.